Friday, March 11, 2016

where can I get a genetic test done for lactose intolerance? Xcode Life Sciences

Lactose intolerance is a genetic condition. A genetic test is a definitive test for milk indigestion.

Xcode Life Sciences provides a comprehensive, accurate and affordable lactose intolerance genetic test.

You can get the test for the family of two for Rs. 4,900. Additional tests for family members are available at a subsidized rate.

if you are in india, you can send me an email at this blog's email address and you will receive the saliva kit.

The good thing about genetic tests is that they can be performed with saliva samples, no need for large blood samples. Saliva contains cells from your cheeks, from which DNA is extracted and testing performed. 

There are a few other tests available for lactose intolerance such as Lactose tolerance test, hydrogen breath tests and stool acidity test that can be used in conjunction with the genetic test. However, if you have the classic symptoms of lactose intolerance coupled and the genetic test indicates intolerance, the genetic test should be sufficient enough.

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